All blue ahead I hope the blue is always 8000' below. The further south we go, the less US Coast Guard protection we will have. From here on we will have people who are very willing to help if we have a problem, but without the planes and boats to help in the same way as the Coast Guard.
Not to worry. We don't expect problems and we have our life jackets and our life raft and our 406 ELTs - and of course, our rosary beads.
All downhill flying to Kiritimati (Christmas Island) and when we land at Cassidy International Airport we will be just 2 degrees north of the equator and 5' above sea level.
My understanding is that Cassidy International Airport has an NDB which doesn't help me much because VH-EXS does not have an ADF. That's been my favourite IFR instrument. Guess I will just have to get better with RNAV (GNSS) approaches.
Again, second hand, but I have heard that the clouds at Cassidy are NEVER below 1000' so the let down is over the ocean and then to the airport. Also I have been told that if the let down is over the island, it is no problem as the tallest part of the island is 43' high.
Wikipedia states that Kiritimati will be the first island to go under if the oceans rise. Hopefully, we will have taken off before then.
However, Australian comedian Rod Quantock stated in a recent lecture at the Canberra University, that rising oceans are now unlikely as the Japanese are taking so many large whales out of the ocean that the water level is actually falling dramatically.
Not going to bore you with information about the Republic of Kiribati, but it really interesting. Concentrated on Kiritimati (Christmas Island) history which includes WWII action, US and British nuclear testing, attempts to commercialise, permanent settlement not allowed until Independence from the British in 1979, population about 5,500, infrastructure is largely that left behind after the nuclear tests, abandonment of OUR runway by large commercial aircraft due to cracking and potholing.
There is a photograph of our intended accommodation below.
Ok. This may not be the 'Excelsior Grand' Hotel but I am told it is quite comfortable and appears to be one of the buildings constructed for the nuclear tests.

That is not going to be a great worry for me as someone used my Amex card for a $99.40 feast at the Burger King in Instanbul on 23rd January and my card has been cut into three pieces.
There appears to be other accommodation and hotel(s) on the island for tourists who seem to be largely bird watchers or divers.
These islands are closest to the International Date Line and Caroline Island has been renamed Millenium Island because it was the first to see in the new millenium.
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