Monday, April 5, 2010

Chapter 50 - Summary & The End - coming up

I have uploaded Chapter 49 A which is a a photo gallery.

When I receive more photos from Lyn, Dan & Jose I will load them as Chapter 49 B, C etc

I will then (or maybe before) end this blog with a final summary.

Angus Haygarth and me (left) on the Australian Piper Society trip to the Cape and Thursday Island July/August 2009 with our (Megs and my)Turbo Arrow III  VH-HKZ which will be on the market later in the year.

Absolutely nothing to do with flying or with the Saratoga. 
Eating raw salted fish in Amsterdam - and survived!

Hope you enjoyed some of it or learned something from it or if you did neither, I hope you used it to relieve you of a few hours of boredom when you had nothing to do but spend a few boring hours reading it.

Click on images to enlarge

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