Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chapter 19 - Weather improving

AustraliaThe 84 hour forecast on shows some improvement. A high is coming in from the north-west and the winds at 9000' are tending toward east north easterly. The other factor is the temperature and cloud relationship.

The temperature at 9000' has been below 0 degrees C and usually -5 to -10 for the last few weeks. As the aviators reading this know, flying through cloud at below zero introduces the strong possibility of ice forming on the aircraft which may result in a splash and a very small momentary ripple in the Pacific. At the moment the temps are around -10 degrees C.

I suspect we may leave Australia around Thursday or Friday and maybe depart California on the weekend.

Spoke again with the Customs Agent, Alan O'Leary, who told me that he is currently handling the importation of 5 other aircraft and they have been waiting in California since some time in December for the weather to improve.

I will suggest that we all take off well apart, as this number of aircraft approaching Pearl Harbor as a group may be a bit dangerous for us.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I reckon you should check the shipping routes underneath too :)
Cheers, Laurie